How to Find a Freelance Female Personal Trainer

UK Fitness Pro
UK Fitness Pro
· 8 min read
A freelance female personal trainer.

Before we dive in, the easiest way to find a freelance female personal trainer is to enter your location into the search box on our homepage, and then use the “Gender” filter so that only female personal trainers appear in the search results. 

For example, you can use this approach to find freelance female PTs in the following locations (and in many more):

If you'd like to work with an online trainer, check out these women who offer their personal training services online

What To Do Before Hiring a Freelance Female Personal Trainer

The fitness industry in the United Kingdom is currently worth £5 billion, and in 2019, it saw its biggest growth yet in gym membership signups – a whopping 10.4 million people signed up.

Whereas previously, the gym environment was stereotyped as a place for muscular men flexing their biceps and competing for personal bests, it has taken on an entirely new image with the recent rise of female empowerment movements.

Social media movements primarily started on Instagram, such as #ThisGirlCan and #StrongNotSkinny, have now amassed 10 million posts each. Female icons like Serena Williams and Ronda Rousey have given their voice to such movements, encouraging women to hit the gym and show off their physiques. 

Thanks to this positive change, more female personal trainers than ever are now taking up positions in gyms up and down the country, ready to help both male and female clients achieve their fitness goals and live a healthy lifestyle

But the vast choice brings with it one problem… How do you find the right trainer for you? Read on to find out our checklist of requirements so that you can find the right female personal trainer to help you get started on your gym journey.

1. Ask freelance female personal trainers about their qualifications

In the UK, there is no legal restriction on people using the title “personal trainer”, even if they are not specifically qualified to do so. 

This means that almost any fitness enthusiast who has evidence of experiencing their own transformative journey can open a social media account and proclaim themselves as a personal trainer or fitness instructor.

Qualifications of a freelance female personal trainer

Whilst those people may have knowledge of nutrition and workout regimes, they won’t have the in-depth knowledge and years of experience needed to train people properly without risking injury. 

So, ask your female personal trainer about her qualifications.

Good freelance female personal trainers should at least possess the following: 

  • A level 3 personal trainer qualification from either a reputable certification programme or an accredited college or university*
  • Professional liability insurance
  • First aid qualifications

*For comparison, a "gym instructor" usually needs to have only completed a level 2 gym instructor training course. 

Recommended quality certification bodies include:

  • NASM, the National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • NCSF, the National Council on Strength & Fitness
  • ISSA, the International Sports Sciences Association
  • NESTA, the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association
  • NCCPT, the National Council for Certified Personal Trainers

So, if your personal trainer has any certificates from these bodies, it’s a great sign. 

In addition, ask whether your trainer has any extra specialist qualifications too. These could include injury rehabilitation experience, pre- or post-natal training qualifications, or training courses in any specialist equipment (such as kettlebells or Swiss balls).

Colourful kettlebells in a gym

Bear in mind that the best personal trainer for you will have qualifications that align with your interests and outlooks. For instance, if you value an evidence-based approach to fitness, you could look for a certified personal trainer who also has university qualifications in exercise science or sports science. If you're interested in developing your strength or in the benefits of exercise for mental health or a certain medical condition, check out whether they have qualifications in strength training or those relevant to mental and physical conditions. 

For instance, if you want to find an online freelance personal trainer who specialises in mental and physical conditions, you could check out one of these female trainers

Finding a trainer with suitable qualifications will ensure that they have the expertise to provide you with a custom workout plan that reflects where you're at right now, as well as your strength, fitness, and aesthetic aspirations. 

2. Ask freelance female personal trainers for nutritional advice

Ask your freelance female personal trainer about nutrition

As well as being qualified in exercise, conditioning and injury, personal trainers should ideally possess qualifications or good knowledge of nutrition.

In fitness, exercise and diet go hand in hand. Most personal trainers will, at the very least, be able to make diet recommendations or answer questions, and some can even create a diet plan, so it’s well worth asking about their knowledge. 

For example, if you'd like to learn from an online coach about how to eat to gain muscle or about diet plans that facilitate fat loss, you could reach out to one of these female fitness and health professionals with expertise in nutrition

3. Ask freelance female personal trainers about their ethos and values

Ask your freelance female personal trainer about their values

Every personal trainer has their own way of working. 

Some personal trainers use holistic methods, whilst others will be more goal-focused. Find out your female personal trainer’s values and ensure their ethos aligns with what you want from the sessions. As a starting point, it’s also a great idea to only book an initial session so that you can get a better feel for the type of trainer they are. This will give you a sense of whether they really have a deep passion for what they do, which may have implications for their skill level, whether they'll bother to pay attention to your individual needs, and whether they'll truly commit to assisting you in the long term. 

Additionally, ask them whether they have any particular areas of expertise, such as post-pregnancy weight lossprenatal training, or how to maintain fitness during menopause

4. Assess the prices of freelance female personal trainers

Personal trainers don’t come cheap. 

Many have an hourly rate of over £50, for example, so it’s best to inquire as to their price range. Make sure there are no hidden surprises either, such as requiring a gym membership on top of the cost of the sessions.

Ask your freelance female personal trainer about their prices

If you'd like to find an online personal trainer that won't cost you too much, you could reach out to one of these female trainers who charge less than £40 per hour

Note that a self-employed trainer who believes that they can be of value to you for a long time will often agree to provide their first session for free or at a discounted rate as they recognise the value of potentially gaining a new client that will stay with them for months or years. 

To demonstrate their commitment to you, a great personal trainer may even be willing to travel to and work in their client's home. As an example, here are London-based female personal trainers that provide clients with this option

5. Ask freelance female personal trainers where they're located

If you’re looking to book sessions before or after work, you’ll need to make sure your personal trainer is located in a convenient place. 

Too far out of the way, and you could risk being late or getting stuck in traffic on the way home. Check how far away they are, and whether things like forms of public transport are reliable. Look at the facilities too. Could you shower afterwards and style your hair? Are there lockers? All these things could make a longer journey to either home or work after your session much easier. 

Often, a personal trainer with their own fitness business will have their own studio containing all the equipment you'll need for weight training, cardio sessions, or whatever type of exercise excites you. If not, they'll likely know which are truly the greatest gyms in your area or will be able to recommend suitable outdoor training locations. In fact, many PTs make use of local parks to run group fitness classes. 

In addition, there are online personal trainers who provide personal training sessions across video conferencing platforms whilst you stay in the privacy of your own home, so these could be an option worth considering, too.

6. Meet freelance female personal trainers before booking

It may sound obvious, but the first thing you should do prior to even booking an initial session is head to the gym or studio where your personal trainer is located and meet them.

This gives you a chance to see whether you have a good rapport with them and whether you’ll feel comfortable in their presence. The two of you will be working extremely closely, and often, a good personal trainer becomes more like a trusted friend, so it’s worth finding one you can truly click with.

Meet your freelance female personal trainer before booking a session

This will also enable you to get a sense of whether they're the best choice for you and what to expect if you choose to work together. 

For example, you could ask about their personal training experience, their most popular services, how they might develop a workout plan for you, and whether they complete fitness assessments with new clients. Additionally, you could share with them how much physical activity you currently engage in and any physical problems you might have. 

Ultimately, a quick, informal conversation like this can have a long-term positive impact on the quality of your relationship with your fitness coach. 

Seeing them in action in their place of work, such as when assessing another client's current fitness level or when interacting with other trainers, may also give you an indication of whether they're a team player, which could be a reflection of how committed they would be to accompanying you on your fitness journey. 

​7. Establish when you both have free time

While some people may be able to train every evening from Monday - Friday, others have substantially less time, and it may be challenging for them to carve out a moment each week to meet with a fitness expert to work on their physical health. 

A female freelance personal trainer

Likewise, a successful personal trainer who is running their own business, which requires the creation of training plans, meetings with current and potential clients, and endless other tasks, may have limited time for private personal training sessions with new clients. 

Exchanging a few quick messages to establish when you're available before committing to anything else will help to ensure you don't waste each other's time. Working with someone who has years of training experience in the fitness field can feel like the best investment of your life – and it can be, as long as you establish your expectations upfront. 

8. Check out the socials of freelance female personal trainers

Lastly, a large majority of personal trainers will use Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook accounts to show off the successes of their individual clients and to promote themselves. 

These social platforms provide you with a great look into the mind of your new trainer. You’ll be able to evaluate which exercises they specialise in, what the average journey for results looks like, and how trusted and respected they are. A good certified fitness trainer will most likely have a varied portfolio of clients, all with positive testimonials in the comments. 

Freelance female personal trainer on social media

You might also discover something interesting about the trainer. 

For instance, perhaps they've completed years of martial arts training in an exotic country, have won a well-known figure competition, or are also qualified to provide physical therapy. The best part of this is that you may find out that you share a common interest. So, as you work together on your muscle growth, increasing strength throughout your whole body, or stripping away the fat, you'll be able to chat with one another in the moments in between and establish a long-term professional relationship based on warmth and trust. 

Author Bio

Sally Moss is an accomplished, accredited and qualified female personal trainer. She founded Strength Ambassadors in London and designed it for Ladies Who Lift.