The 11 Best Ways to Stay Committed to Fitness Goals

UK Fitness Pro
UK Fitness Pro
· 7 min read
A woman committing to her fitness goals.

New Year’s resolutions rarely stand the test of time. 

One recent survey found that only 28% of Britons kept all of their 2022 resolutions, and 17% didn’t keep any of them. While you don’t need to wait for a new year to commit to fitness (or anything else), it’s a good time to start with a clean slate and to keep track of your progress. Even if you missed out on an official New Year’s resolution, it’s still a perfect time to set personal health goals — and learn how to commit to them year-round. Fitness isn’t a fad or a trend. It’s something you do to take care of yourself forever. 

With that in mind, let’s cover 11 tips to stay committed to your fitness goals and live a more active lifestyle. 

1. Find the Right Routine

There’s a reason why gyms are packed for the first few weeks of January, and membership starts to dwindle afterwards. Many people who make fitness resolutions think they need to run on the treadmill or lift weights each day. They box themselves into certain stereotypes that aren’t right for them and end up quitting. 

A woman doing yoga.

If you want to stick with a fitness routine, it’s essential to find physical activities you enjoy doing. For some, that might include running and lifting weights. For others, it could be activities like: 

Some people also think they have to exercise for at least an hour each day to see results. In reality, just 30 minutes of brisk walking each day can benefit your physical and mental well-being. If you walk outside, you’ll enjoy the added benefit of more energy and a better mood, thanks to the natural “boost” nature provides. 

2. Set Realistic Outcome Goals

If you want to stay committed to your fitness goals, make sure they’re achievable. If you set a goal to work out for two hours a day or lose twenty pounds in a month, you’re probably not going to stick with it. Instead, consider setting SMART goals as you work on bolstering your fitness routine. SMART stands for: 

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-Bound

If you can set fitness goals with those parameters, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed by them. 

Additionally, don’t be afraid to start with a small goal. For example, if your goal is to run a mile without stopping, start by running for a minute without stopping for a week straight. The next week, increase your time and continue adding more consistent running until you’ve reached your goal. By setting (and achieving) small goals, you’ll boost your motivation to eventually reach larger ones. 

Each small step you accomplish will give you the push you need to keep going, and you’ll be excited to keep working since you’re seeing positive results. 

3. Focus on Process-Oriented Goals

While outcome-oriented goals, like losing weight or building muscle, are important, focusing on process-oriented goals can be more effective in the long haul. 

These goals emphasise the behaviours and habits needed to achieve the desired outcome. For example, committing to a regular workout routine or improving your meal plan are process-oriented goals that support your end goal. 

This approach ensures that you’re building a solid foundation for long-term fitness rather than seeking quick fixes that may not be sustainable.

4. Don’t Do It Alone

Even if you have the best intentions, you’re seeing results from your regular workouts, and you want to stay as committed as possible to your routine, you’re only human. 

Some days, sleeping in or sitting on the couch with a bag of crisps will be more appealing than going to the gym, playing a sport, or even walking around the neighbourhood. One of the best ways to ensure you stick to your routine and stay committed is to have an accountability partner. Working out with a friend is much more fun than doing it on your own. 

Plus, they can hold you accountable when your motivation is low

People exercising together.

Having someone to walk or jog with can make the time go by quickly. Signing up for a team can offer you a whole support group of individuals to hold you accountable and motivate you to do your best. Even when you’re discouraged or not reaching your goals the way you want to, having at least one person in your corner to bolster you and help you keep going will make a big difference. 

5. Embrace Small Changes for Big Results

Committing to fitness goals often feels overwhelming if you set unrealistic goals, so the easiest way to make progress is by embracing small changes. 

Instead of overhauling your entire lifestyle, focus on integrating subtle changes into your daily life. These small steps can include taking the stairs instead of the elevator, adding a five-minute workout to your morning routine, or swapping unhealthy snacks for healthier options. Over time, these small changes accumulate, leading to significant improvements in your overall health and fitness level. 

Remember, consistency and making these changes a regular part of your routine is the most important thing.

6. Prioritise Mental Health in Your Fitness Journey

While physical fitness is a key goal, prioritising mental health is equally important. 

Regular workouts are a great way to boost positive energy and improve mental well-being. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by increasing blood flow and releasing endorphins (Pilozzi et al., 2020). Incorporating rest days and ensuring a balanced approach helps prevent burnout and keeps your fitness journey sustainable. 

A balanced fitness programme that addresses physical and mental health will set you up for long-term success and a more enjoyable fitness journey.

7. Leverage Social Media for Motivation and Accountability

Social media can be a powerful tool in maintaining commitment to your fitness goals. 

Following fitness influencers, joining online fitness communities, and sharing your progress can provide motivation and accountability. Seeing others' success stories and challenges can inspire you to stay on track and push through difficult times. However, it’s important to follow credible sources and certified personal trainers to ensure you're getting accurate advice. 

Using social media wisely can transform it into a support system that enhances your fitness journey.

8. Adapt to Your Comfort Zone, Gradually

Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone is essential for growth, but it's also important to do it gradually. 

Starting with workouts that match your current fitness level and slowly increasing intensity helps prevent injuries and build muscle strength. This approach is beneficial for those with busy schedules or those just starting out. 

Setting small, specific goals within your comfort zone and then progressively challenging yourself can lead to long-term success and a sustainable fitness routine.

9. Overcome Unhealthy Habits

One of the biggest obstacles in committing to fitness goals is overcoming unhealthy habits. 

Whether it’s late-night snacking, skipping workouts, or leading a sedentary lifestyle, these habits can hinder progress. The good news is that with hard work and a structured plan, these habits can be replaced with healthier ones. Start by identifying specific goals that target these unhealthy habits and create an exercise programme that you can follow on a regular basis. 

Gradual change is key; small, consistent efforts lead to significant improvements over a long period of time.

10. Integrate Fitness into a Busy Schedule

Finding the right place and time to work out can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule and after a long day of work. 

However, it’s possible to integrate fitness into your daily routine without needing a long-term commitment each day. Five-minute workouts, a quick jog during a lunch break, or even stretching exercises at your desk can make a big difference. The best part about these short bursts of activity is that they help maintain a consistent level of physical activity, even on the busiest days. 

Making fitness a non-negotiable part of your day ensures that it becomes a natural part of your life.

11. Utilise Professional Guidance

Engaging with certified personal trainers or exercise physiologists can significantly enhance your fitness journey. 

These professionals can help tailor an exercise programme to your specific needs, considering any medical conditions or personal life constraints. A certified trainer can also guide you through weight training, ensuring proper technique to avoid injuries. Professional support ensures that you follow a safe and effective fitness routine, leading to better long-term results.

If you're interested in receiving support and guidance from a certified personal trainer, check out one of these pages on our website:

Final Words on Committing to Your Fitness Goals

Exercising regularly and committing to a fitness routine is a great way to foster a healthy lifestyle

On the other hand, not being active can cause serious health problems now and in the future. For example, a sedentary lifestyle puts you at a greater risk of developing spider veins from a lack of mobility and weight gain. You’ll also be more at risk for everything from heart disease and diabetes to mobility issues from weak muscles and bones (Tremblay et al., 2010). You don’t need to wait for a new year to roll around to commit to certain fitness goals. 

Once you make regular exercise a part of your daily routine, you’ll form healthy habits that will last a lifetime. 

You might also be interested in these articles on how online PTs and small group PTs can help you stay committed to your fitness goals. 
