The Ultimate Guide to Making an At-Home Gym

UK Fitness Pro
UK Fitness Pro
· 4 min read
A woman using an at-home gym.

Making an at-home gym comes with many benefits, such as cost savings and convenience. 

When making your home gym, there are a few questions to ask yourself, including about the type of equipment you should have and what your budget should be.

There are so many different types of equipment and brands out there that finding the right pieces for your at-home gym can be difficult. Here's how you can start. 

Find the Right Space for your At-Home Gym

Before you can start shopping for home gym equipment, you need to find the right space for your at-home gym

At the very least, your at-home gym should have enough space for one large piece of equipment and a yoga mat so you can stretch and get your cardio in. The exact space you decide for your home gym will depend on how much you want to purchase and the types of workouts you like to do. If you only want to use the room for yoga, then you'll just need to make sure you can stretch out. However, if you want a more robust gym, then you might need to find a bigger space like a garage or a spare bedroom. 

If you have a tiny apartment with very little space available, you can make an unused corner your workout space and purchase products that you know will fit in that space. 

Stocking Your At-Home Gym

Now that you know how much space you have to work with, it's time to stock your home gym. 

If you have a small space, you can find foldable gym equipment designed to be folded up and put in a closet or under your bed, so you don't need to take up tons of space. For example, you can get a folding stationary bike that you unfold only when you want to ride. The rest of the time, you can have your yoga mat on the floor with a set of weights nearby. 

You don't need tons of equipment to make your at-home gym effective, but you should consider the following:

At-Home Gym Cardio Equipment

If you have a small space to work with, consider getting smaller cardio equipment, such as a jump rope or foldable treadmill that won't take up much space. 

You can also choose not to get any equipment for your cardio workout. Instead, grab your yoga mat and check out some Pilates videos on YouTube or get a subscription to Pilates workout videos. 

Alternatively, you could just run or walk outside for cardio and let your home gym be used for strength training. 

At-Home Gym Strength Equipment

Luckily, there's no need for huge equipment to strength train. Instead, you can get a single kettlebell or adjustable dumbbells that you use to build muscle. You can also get stability balls so you can focus on your core. 

Stretching and Recovery in your At-Home Gym

Your workout space should allow you enough room to stretch before and after your workout. 

If your room fits a yoga mat, then you should have enough space to stretch all of the major muscle groups. You might also want a small table or a place to store your performance drinks or any other type of sugar-free drinks that can help you work out. 

The good news is that effective workout accessories typically don't take up much space and can be stored under a bed or in the closet. 

Remember, you don't have to buy all of your equipment at once. Instead, start with one thing you want and then see how much room you have left for anything else. 

Storage in your At-Home Gym

While you can pack workout equipment in a small space, you'll need storage so the space isn't cluttered and can still be safe for you to step around in. 

You can use anything from an available closet to a cheap storage container that can be stored somewhere else in the home that's easier to access every day. You can also get a hanging organizer that will keep everything off of the floor. 

Storage will allow you to use all of the necessary gym equipment without worrying about where you're going to put it all. Instead of stashing items around your home for you to find later, you can keep everything together so you can easily grab something when you need it. 

At-Home Gym Design

Whether your exercise space will be in your garage, a spare bedroom, or a corner of your apartment, you'll need to design a space that allows you to work out effectively without making the space unsafe. 

Your home gym should have plenty of natural light to keep you energized, but you might also want to consider some entertainment. While using your phone for music might be enough for some, others may need a television or a place to rest their tablet so they can tune into their favorite shows during their workouts. 

In addition, consider adding a mirror to your workspace so you can check your posture and form so you're not doing anything that can hurt your body. Mirrors can help you check your form and make your space seem larger. 

If you're using a dedicated space that can be hidden from your guests, you can even invest in gym flooring that will give you a cushioned place to work out. You can use gym flooring anywhere in your home, but it works best in your garage or a spare bedroom. 

Enjoy Your At-Home Gym

Once your home gym is complete, it's time to try it out. Use your home gym at least a couple of times before you decide to make changes. By sleeping on it and letting yourself come up with ideas, you can find ways to make better use of the space and brainstorm which items you can add to the gym to make it more effective for your workouts. 

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Marné Amoguis

An at-home gym expert.

Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.