Steven Berman personal trainer

Steven Berman

Borehamwood, Hertfordshire
Functional Training, Special Populations, Core Conditioning, Weight Loss, Nutrition, Weight Management, Posture, Rehabilitation, Older Adults, GP Referral, Suspension Training


For the last ten years, I have been the clinical lead for a London Borough exercise referral team.

I managed and delivered classes, provided personal one-to-one support, delivered weight management programmes, worked with the elderly, and those with poor mental health.

I worked in partnership with GPs, mental health clinicians, nutritionists and dieticians, cardiologists, and a range of other primary and secondary care providers.

I have delivered joint cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) & behaviour change programmes with the local Improving Access to Psychological Therapies service (IAPT).

Currently, I'm coordinating the development of an exercise referral scheme for Hertsmere Leisure.

My primary background and experience is in mental health, obesity/weight management, and behaviour change, but more broadly my love and joy comes from working with the vulnerable members of the community, whether this be physical, emotional, psychological, social or financial.

I have a degree with Honours in Psychology and am a level 4 REPs qualified fitness instructor.

I lecture in Community Health & Wellbeing for 1st year and Masters Degree medical students at UCL and work closely with Great Ormond Street Hospital.

"Physical exercise is a Mental thing"

Exercise, health and wellbeing is very much underpinned by psychological and emotional factors. With my clients, this is always where I start.

Feeling comfortable, confidence and enjoyment are essential.


  • Active IQ - Level 2 Certificate in Fitness Instructing (QCF) (Gym)
  • Active IQ - Level 3 Nutrition & Weight Management
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • BA Hons Philosophy
  • Crossfit Basic Gymnastics for Fitness Masterclass
  • Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting Masterclass
  • CYQ - Level 3 Diploma in Exercise Referral (QCF)
  • Fitness Wales Level 4 Physical Activity for People with Mental Health Conditions
  • WMC - Level 4 Obesity and Diabetes Management
  • YMCA Exercise & Ageing
  • YMCA Fitness Training for Older Person

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