My considerable experience & passion will give you the confidence that your expectations will be realised through clear concise guidelines.
By identifying your objectives with your consultation we can create the game plan. Your objective will always feel big, but my experience will help us realise we can get there through clear communication, understanding and sometimes baby steps or big steps if needed.
I have considerable technical experience to handle a range of conditions and I'm sure I have seen most of the starting points of clients to give you that comfort early on that we can make it.
I work out of the Training Station in Beaconsfield, where I have access to the latest state of the art equipment to give you that quality experience.
- YMCA Awards - Level 3 Certificate in Personal Training (QCF)
- Boxercise Instructor
- C.H.E.K. - Advanced Swiss Ball Training for Rehabilitation
- C.H.E.K. - Dynamic Medicine Ball Training
- C.H.E.K. - Programme Design
- C.H.E.K. - Scientific Back Training
- C.H.E.K. - Scientific Core Conditioning
- Diploma in Sports Massage
- RSA Circuit Training
Languages spoken
Price per session from
NRPT (014760)
Training locations
Studio, Home