Giuseppe Ginevra Coach personal trainer

Giuseppe Ginevra Coach

Health & Fitness Coach
Brighton and Hove
Fitness, Bodybuilding, Posture, Stretching, Nutrition, Core Conditioning, Anxiety Management, Alternative Training Methods, Body Transformations, Bodyweight Training, Buddy Training, Bulking, Circuit Training, Diet Plans, Epilepsy, Fat Loss, Fitness, Fitness Modelling, Fitness Testing, Functional Training, Weight Loss for Women, Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Body Sculpting, Sports Coaching, Boot Camps, Body Composition Analysis, Women's Fitness, Corporate Wellness, Older Adults, Weight Management, Strength and Conditioning, Prenatal Training, Postnatal Training


Health Coach specializes in helping, inspiring, and motivating people to build their dream bodies.

Through my F.A. Program, following my unique training method based on Fitness, Bodybuilding, Nutrition & food supplementation, in just 6/8 WEEKS, you will:






What is the F.A. program?!

It is my unique personalised service, where I can help you in person & remotely wherever you are in the world regarding everything it takes to get you into your best fitness ever in a SHORT TIME!

Who is my F.A. Program suitable for?

The online coaching is suitable for men and women who need to:

• Food understanding, combined/not combined with your workout program/lifestyle

• Lose fat

• Tone up (reduction of fat mass associated with muscle definition)

• Increased muscle mass

• Reduction of cellulite

• Improvement of posture through postural exercises

If you are a beginner, in addition to providing you with the necessary technical support on the program, I will teach you how to understand & manage with determination, commitment and motivation a lifestyle oriented towards physical activity and sport, passing on the principles and rules in nutrition, biomechanics, and fitness exercises combined with good mental health.

If you are an expert, I will show you why you are no longer getting any results and give you the technical solutions for your goal achievement. You will start to see results again, and you will get a better


I will give the maximum return on your investment in time and effort.

It is not a copy and pastes job, but a solid relationship filled with pride and honour.


  • Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • Level 2 Gym Instructor
  • Level 1 Fitness and Bodybuilding Instructor
  • Nutrition Qualification

Languages spoken

English, Italian

Training locations

Gym, Studio, Home, Workplace, Outdoors, Online


We'll never share your email with anyone else.

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