I left the world of IT sales in 2017 to pursue a new career helping people like me! For 35 years I had been wedded to golf, representing my club first team for over 25 years with a handicap of 2. In my mid 40s I started mountain biking in Swinley Forest and became involved in the local cross country racing events.
In 2012 I hit 50 and along with the rest of the nation was consumed by the London Olympic games and Tour de France. A very short triathlon left me wanting more… I had not run since school and could not swim freestyle let alone in open water. In 2016 I completed Ironman UK following many shorter events including three half Ironmans and five half marathons. Fitness is now hard wired into my lifestyle and I am keen to help and motivate others who wish to challenge themselves, achieve dreams, set a new goal, get fit or simply become more active.
There is no doubt that good execution in any sport requires sound technique and lots of practice. Some people are just lucky while the majority like me have to work hard for modest achievement. Health and fitness represent the building blocks of possibility, whether you are stepping onto the first tee with great posture and looking menacing to your opponents or waiting for the gun in your season “A” race.
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