Married with two young children.
For many years I have battled against being overweight and a disability.
Before I became a personal trainer and a mother, I weighed around 87 kilos (13 stone) and was on the edge of obesity.
I hated mirrors, putting on a swimming costume or wearing a nice dress.
After the birth of my second child, the weight and size did little to give me confidence and my self-esteem plummeted.
I retired from the NHS as an ambulance person due to medical reasons. After that I knew I had to keep going and continue to help others with their needs for a fitter and healthier life.
So with the little money I had left, I enrolled and passed my fitness and personal training diploma.
After that, my knowledge of nutrition and health increased so much so that I became my first guinea pig.
Within the first month or two I didn't see a real difference and I almost gave up, but then I thought about why I needed to lose the weight and what all the benefits were when I could accomplish this tall order.
So I persisted. Now I have lost over 14 kilos (2.2 Stone) in five years, which may be slow but it will stay off and it will continue to go down.
If I can do this, then I know YOU can.
As your personal trainer, I will be able to empathise with you and your journey. I will be able to give you that friendly push in the right direction in order for you to one-day stand in front of a mirror and smile at all YOUR hard work.
- Personal Training Qualification
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