Alison is a trainer specialising in stroke rehab for individuals and groups, and has been a Tai Chi instructor for over 30 years.
Alison trained originally in Tai Chi Chuan with Alan Peck, founder of the Natural Way Tai Chi School. Alan learned Tai Chi with Dr Chi Chiang Tao who studied with Cheng Man-ch'ing. Alison has also trained with a number of teachers specialising in Tai Chi for people with disabilities and health issues. Alison now continues her training within the Dr Chi style with Angus Clark of Living Movement. A qualified teacher with a PGCE in adult education, Alison is an Advanced Instructor of the Tai Chi Union for Great Britain.
Alison is also a qualified ARNI (Action for Rehabilitation after Neurological Injury) Instructor, offering personal and small group tailored training for stroke survivors who want to improve their functional movement.
- ARNI - Trust Stroke Rehabilitation Certificate
- Post Graduate Certificate in Education
- TCCKF - Tai Chi & Chi Kung Forum for Health Modules 1 & 2
- The Coaches Training Institute - Certified Professional Co-Active Coach
Languages spoken
Price per session from
NRPT (028734)
Training locations
Studio, Home